Your Taxi2Flight quotation for your journey from
Warminster to Poole Docks
Fares are valid for direct journeys only. Want to travel from Poole Docks to Warminster instead?
Single Journey
From Warminster to Poole Docks
up to 3 Passengers
Saloon/sedan type vehicle
for up to 3 people and 3 medium suitcases
£170.00 single journey
Your Travel Date
To enable us to check availability for your journey please enter your travel date:
up to 4 Passengers
Estate/station wagon type vehicle
for up to 4 people and 4 medium suitcases
£195.00 single journey
Your Travel Date
To enable us to check availability for your journey please enter your travel date:
up to 8 Passengers
Minibus type vehicle
for up to 8 people and 8 medium suitcases
£240.00 single journey
Your Travel Date
To enable us to check availability for your journey please enter your travel date:
Price shown is total for private use of vehicle (including up to one hour airport parking costs/waiting time). Journeys with pick-up/collection times between midnight and 0600hrs will incur a £25 unsociable hours supplement.
Return Journey
From Warminster to Poole Docks and back again on another date
up to 3 Passengers
Saloon/sedan type vehicle
for up to 3 people and 3 medium suitcases
£340.00 return journey
Your Travel Date
To enable us to check availability for your journey please enter your travel date:
up to 4 Passengers
Estate/station wagon type vehicle
for up to 4 people and 4 medium suitcases
£390.00 return journey
Your Travel Date
To enable us to check availability for your journey please enter your travel date:
up to 8 Passengers
Minibus type vehicle
for up to 8 people and 8 medium suitcases
£480.00 return journey
Your Travel Date
To enable us to check availability for your journey please enter your travel date:
Price shown is total for private use of vehicle (including a contribution to reasonable airport parking costs/waiting time). Journeys with passenger pick-up/collection times between midnight and 0600hrs will incur a £25 unsociable hours supplement.